Community holiday; + + + + + Process + Latest News + + + Now
Community weekend starts today!
your church and Jesus come!
And you?
Here is the schedule: Friday
20h30 -? Celebrate Jesus Party (Jan & Lena / bar area)
16h-ca. 17:30? Slide show of Afghanistan (Marc / Godi area)
18:30-20h30 PowWow (Fabi & Thomas / Freax room above)
then: Games evening (all / bar area)
The course and what is even more spontaneously and is not yet clear is the night from Fr JuZe hang!
example, a snack / brunch, which would take months in the hand and something Karsten still prepared:)
If you have to what lust: then shout out!
best, you are on Fr everyone, because we can say precisely ...!
in order to stay: until now I'm the only one who stayed from Friday to Saturday of the JuZe. Other voices I have heard non.
for food: thinking of you, you might have to supply, to plan on a snack of months is nothing!
CU tonight, Falko
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